Terms Of Use

 HomeVitalyze Monthly Agreement 

Agreement between HomeVitalyze (hereinafter referred to as “HomeVitalyze”) and the client (hereinafter referred to as “Client”). 

  1. Scope of Monthly Services: 
  • HomeVitalyze agrees to perform a monthly service of the property located at [Property Address]. 
  • The service will address all items designated for service under the chosen monthly subscription plan (see plans for full list of services provided). 
  • HomeVitalyze will provide a written report detailing findings after each monthly inspection. 
  1. Subscription and Automatic Renewal: 
  • The Client subscribes to the monthly inspection service, which will automatically renew each month unless canceled by either party. 
  • Renewal will occur on the same day of the month as the initial subscription. 
  1. Scheduling and Allocated Time: 
  • The Client must schedule each monthly inspection in advance. 
  • The allocated time for each inspection may not be sufficient to address all service items comprehensively. 
  • If certain items cannot be addressed during a particular month, they will be carried over to the following month. 
  1. Variable Service Items: 
  • The Inspector and Client acknowledges that certain service items may or may not be addressed based on Age of Appliances: Older appliances may require more attention. 
  • Access: Limited access areas may impact service items. 
  • Scope of Work: The agreed-upon scope may affect the depth of services provided. 
  1. Limited Liability Protections: 
  • The parties agree that the Inspector and its employees are limited in liability to two (2x) times a single monthly fee paid for the services and report. 
  • This limitation applies in the event that the Client or any third party claims that HomeVitalyze is liable for negligently performing the services. 
  1. Disclaimer of Warranties: 
  • HomeVitalyze makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the condition of the property. 
  • Any reports provided are not a warranty or insurance policy. 
  • HomeVitalyze performs services that do not require industry certifications or licensing. If any licensing is required to address any service items as part of the monthly service, HomeVitalyze holds the right to refuse service of said items. 
  1. Ownership of Reports: 
  • The Client may use the reports for personal reference but may not distribute or reproduce them without written consent. 
  1. Dispute Resolution: 
  • Any disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved through mediation or arbitration. 
  • Litigation will be the last resort. 
  1. Modification and Waiver: 
  • Any modifications to this agreement must be in writing. 
  • Failure to enforce any provision does not constitute a waiver of rights. 
  1. Forum Selection: 
  • Any legal action must be filed in the county or district where HomeVitalyze principal place of business is located. 
  1. Severability: 
  • If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. 
  1. Acknowledgment: 
  • The Client acknowledges that they have read and understood this agreement. 
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